About ISSA of Middle Tennessee
The primary purpose of the Middle Tennessee ISSA Chapter is to promote the Information Security profession through education of its members and interaction with the community.
Our Mission & Vision
ISSA Middle Tennessee is the community of choice for international cybersecurity professionals dedicated to advancing individual growth, managing technology risk and protecting critical information and infrastructure in middle Tennessee.
The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)® is a not-for-profit, international organization of information security professionals and practitioners. It provides educational forums, publications, and peer interaction opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skill, and professional growth of its members.
ISSA is a nonprofit organization for the information security profession committed to promoting effective cyber security on a global basis.
- Being a respected forum for networking and collaboration
- Providing education and knowledge sharing at all career lifecycle stages
- Being a highly regarded voice of information security that influences public opinion, government legislation, education and technology with objective expertise that supports sound decision-making
When Do we Meet?
Chapter members meet every 3rd Friday of the month in the Nashville area. Individuals from across the Middle Tennessee region are welcome to attend as guests of the chapter. Lunch is included in monthly chapter meetings. Members also meet at other members only special events throughout the year.
Why Join?
ISSA members receive access to exclusive discounts and deals on top industry events, educational resources and exams, memberships with our valued partners, and much more.
Other member benefits include:
- Exclusive access to the ISSA website members’ area
- Exclusive savings on ISSA events and on partner events and resources
- 6 issues of the ISSA Journal
- Exclusive invitations to ISSA member-only events
- 12 month membership with your chapter/s of choice
- Opportunity to earn CPE/CPU credits
Chapter Objectives
To promote the education of, and help expand the knowledge and skills of its members in the interrelated fields of information systems security, and information or data processing.
To encourage a free exchange of information security techniques, approaches, and problem solving by its members
To provide adequate communication to keep members abreast of current events in information processing and security which can be beneficial to them and their employers.
To raise awareness of security issues and their resolutions in local business and the community
Local Officers & position Descriptions

Position Description
The President shall be the executive officer of the Chapter and, subject to the control of the Board, shall be responsible for the general supervision, direction and control of the affairs of the Chapter. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and meetings of the Board. The President appoints all committee advisors, subject to the approval of the elected officers. Additionally, the President is responsible for fair representation of all the chapter members in all actions of the Board of Directors.

Position Description
The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have the powers of and be subject to the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall also act as parliamentarian for the Board meetings.

Position Description
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Chapter funds and shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures. The treasurer takes the lead in helping the rest of the board form financial policies such as who can access funds, who has check-signing authority, how expenses get reimbursed, use of the chapter’s credit card and handling of small cash expenses. The Treasurer shall supervise the collection of funds by any committee to ensure that sound accounting practices are followed. The Treasurer is responsible for balancing the monthly bank statement and reviewing and retaining copies of the cleared checks on that statement as well as supporting documents for any checks or electronic payments.

Position Description
The Secretary shall take minutes of all Board meetings, including how called or authorized, notice given, place and time of meeting, and the names of those present, and shall keep a copy of such minutes and distribute to the Board. The Secretary shall keep an inventory record of all Chapter-owned equipment. The Secretary shall maintain and distribute an electronic distribution list of Board members and associated contact information.

Position Description
The Membership Director is responsible to maintain and retain current members, assist potential new members, and promote the Chapter through advertisements. This position requires knowledge of, or willingness to learn, Wild Apricot membership management software.

Position Description
The Communications Director is responsible for keeping chapter members informed of chapter events and activity. This includes coordinating the design and maintenance of the chapter websites, email communications, and other media. The Director will oversee that information shared is relevant to active chapter members as well as individuals who may be interested in joining the chapter. This position requires knowledge of, or willingness to learn, Google Workspace and Wild Apricot membership management software.

Position Description
The Community Outreach Director shall coordinate activities that serve the communities within the boundaries of the Chapter through education, service projects, and similar events. The Director should determine the specific outreach opportunities that the membership of the Chapter can best service, gain approval of the Board, encourage member participation, assist in media awareness of the role of ISSA in such activities, and report back to the Board and membership the positive impact of such activities. The Director will establish committees and chair them as necessary to support the approved events or projects.

Position Description
The Programs Director shall coordinate activities pertaining to the Chapter meetings and any extended security seminars being hosted by the Chapter. The Director should be familiar with the results of the membership survey and attempt to obtain speakers that fulfill the needs of the Chapter members. The Director will establish and solicit members for an extended seminar committee if necessary, and the Director will chair this committee. The Director will coordinate sponsorships of the chapter meetings. The Director also has the responsibility to ensure that the Chapter meetings run smoothly from a logistics viewpoint.

Position Description
The Social Media Director is responsible for brand development through social media and for keeping chapter members informed of chapter events and activity. This includes coordinating the design and maintenance of the chapter websites, social media and newsletters. The Director will oversee that information shared is relevant to active chapter members as well as individuals who may be interested in joining the chapter. They direct the media and media related activities of our chapter to raise the profile of the chapter and its goals and initiatives, including both traditional and social media. The Social Media Director uses social media to build an effective content strategy, engage members and sponsors and increase social media traffic and boost conversions.

Position Description
The Certification chairperson shall assist Chapter members in the area of professional certification. The main emphasis will be placed on the CISSP (Certified Information System Security Professional) certification. Other certifications that may apply include the CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), CPP (Certified Protection Professional), CRISC (Certified Risk and Information Systems Control), and CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner). It is the duty of this Director to bring together the necessary information on the certification processes into one common place. The Director will provide that information to the Chapter membership in a timely fashion. If a member has a question about any aspect of certification, this Director is the Chapter lead point of contact.

Position Description
The immediate Past President remains as an active member on the Board of Directors for a term of two years in an advisory capacity and without power to vote on matters requiring a formal approval.